St. Jude's Catholic Church in Eugene, OR welcomes people of all ages and stages:
young adults, families, seniors, and visitors alike.
Nestled on a hilltop in South Eugene, with a sanctuary enclosed on three sides by full-length glass panels, we look out at our beautiful rock garden and our 10’ tall Risen Christ, with Spencer Butte in the background. Our Masses are blessed by the view of God's world and are often visited by His creatures - deer, birds, wild turkeys - outside our windows!
We invite you to join us for Mass | Make sure you bookmark our new website
"We, the people of St. Jude Parish, are a faith community who choose to come together to experience God’s love in the Roman Catholic tradition. Our fundamental mission, as a sacramental people, is to live the gospel in a way that makes us known for our love. As a diverse and inclusive Church family, we seek to provide opportunities for the growth of the whole person at all age levels and social strata. We strive to celebrate the gifts of each person, and together serve one another and our world. We invite all persons to share in our prayer, liturgical celebrations, education opportunities, social justice efforts, social activities, and Parish support. We ask God to lead us in our journey as we seek to faithfully respond to the Good News of Jesus Christ."
General Mass Times
Saturday: 5:00 PM
Sunday: 9:00 AM & 11:30 AM
Tuesday: 12:30 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM
Thursday: 9:00 AM
Friday: 9:00 AM
Saturday: 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM or by appointment
Every 1st Friday of the Month, following daily Mass
4330 Willamette Street
Eugene OR 97405
The Parish Office is open for walk-ins from Tuesday-Friday from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm (Wednesday 10:00 am to 2:00 pm). Phone calls and emails will be answered during that time as well. Please contact the office for personal appointments.
NEW PARISHIONERS: Kindly contact the office to formally include you in our registration. Registration and Welcome forms are available in the office and at the back of the church.
I am so glad to reach out to you all through this weekly bulletin. I am so grateful to the Lord for calling me to serve St. Jude Parish in Eugene. I express my sincere gratitude to you all for giving me a warm welcome and the kindhearted support to begin my ministry here.
I lost my beloved parents in the year 2007-08. I have two elder sisters and an elder brother. They are all married in the church and have their children raised in the Catholic faith. I have 5 nephews and 2 nieces. 4 of the nephews and a niece got married in the church and have their children. So, I have 4 grandnieces and 5 grandnephews.
Fr. Francis, HGN
None during Lent. Stay tuned for Easter!
Please sign up to sponsor flowers for the altar for weekend Masses. It is an offering for your loved ones or a special occasion, which will be honored in our bulletins.
Call the parish office or Annegret to see what future dates might be available. Flowers will be delivered by Chase Flowers, who will bill you directly thereafter ($55). However, there is a delivery fee of $12.
The next Altar Society meeting will be held on April 1st, no joke!
Additionally, thank you to those who reclaimed the Altar Society storage room on March 1st. We appreciate you!
Our St. Jude Rummage Sale will be June 20th-22nd. We are beginning to collect clean and gently used items now! Karla can let you in after the 9:00 am Mass and Shari can do the same after the 11:30 am Mass. We do need help finding someone who can help with this after the 5:00 pm Mass.
Are you interested in hosting a table for the Mother Mary Tea? Talk to Karla! We will have more information about this event coming soon.